Saturday, 24 June 2017

Fatima Centenary 5: Second apparition of Our Lady: June 13 1917:

2017: Fatima Centenary Year
June 24-25:  Ordinary Time 12th Sunday

In Portugal, June 13 is a day of great celebration. It is the feast of one of the great patrons of Portugal, Saint Anthony (of  Padua), born in Lisbon in 1195.
About fifty people accompanied the three children for their noon appointment with the beautiful lady from heaven. They joined the children in praying the Rosary as they awaited the coming of our Lady.
After finishing the Rosary, the children saw a light coming towards them, and suddenly Our Lady was present on the holmoak tree as she had been in May.
Lucia begins with her usual request: ‘What do you want of me?’
Our Lady asks the children to return on July 13, and again requests the daily Rosary. She also tells Lucia to learn to read. Lucia requests healing for a sick person.  Our Lady responds: “If he is converted he will be cured during the year.” 
Lucia asks on behalf of the three children if the Lady would take them to heaven:
“Yes, I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon. But you are to stay here some time longer. Jesus wishes to make use of you to make me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”
Lucia asked if she would be alone after her cousins went to heaven. Our Lady replied: “No, my daughter.  Are you   suffering a great deal? I will never forsake you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead to God.”
As soon as Our Lady finished speaking, she opened her hands and communicated to the children an immense light that enveloped them, as happened at the end of the first   apparition. In this light the children saw themselves      submerged in God. Jacinta and Francisco appeared to be in a part of the light that was rising to heaven, while Lucia was in a light spreading over the earth. Finally, the children saw the heart of Our Lady surrounded with piercing thorns, which represented the offences committed against her. These were the sins that needed reparation, and the children were eager to offer it.
(from: Fr Andrew Apostoli CFR, Fatima For Today.)