Year of Saint Joseph | 75th Anniversary Year | EASTER SUNDAY | April 3 - 4, 2021
Below is an Easter blessing for your home.
During the Easter Season you are welcome to take some holy water from the Baptismal font home and bless your home with the following prayer. Please bring a small container and take some holy water home.
Gather your family in each room and offer the following prayer of thanksgiving to God for your family and home. Move from room to room sprinkling the holy water in each room.
Easter Home and Family Blessing Prayer
Lord, our God, You whose home is in heaven and on earth, surround this shelter with Your Holy Spirit. Encompass our home with the power of Your protection so that no evil or harm will come near. May Your blessing and protection shield our Home and family from destruction, storm, sickness and all that might bring evil to those who live here. (Members may take turns praying the following and sprinkling water in each room)
Blessed be this doorway. May all who come to it be treated with respect and kindness. May our comings and goings be under the seal of God’s loving care.
Blessed be this living room and family room. May we truly live within it as people of peace. May prayer and playfulness never be strangers within its walls.
Blessed be this dining room. May all our meals be reminders of the presence and love of God in our home, lives and world.
Blessed be this kitchen. May our meals remind us always of the many blessings of this life, and may anger and bitter-ness never poison the meals prepared here.
Blessed be this bathroom. May the spirits of health and healing abide here and teach us to honor and love our bodies and minds.
Blessed be these bedrooms. Here we shall find rest, refreshment and renewal. May the spirits of love and affection together with the spirits of the angels touch all who shall use these rooms.
Blessed be all the rooms of this home. May each of them be holy and filled with the spirit of happiness. May our door be always open to those in need and may the holy light of God’s presence shine brightly in this home. May it be a blessing for all who live here and for everyone who shall come to our door. May God’s holy blessings rest upon us all; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN!
Order for the Family Blessing of Food for the First Meal of Easter:
The family gathers for the meal, with the food on the table.
Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen
Leader: Christ is Risen, Alleluia.
All: He is Risen indeed, Alleluia.
Leader: Let us pray to our Risen Lord, the Son of God who invites us to the Paschal Feast stands ready to help. Let us call Him in our need.
R: Lord, prepare us for the feast of life.
- That Easter may find us cleansed of sin and ready to live anew our Christian Faith, we pray to the Lord. (R)
- That the bread we share may be a reminder of the Bread of Life we share in the Eucharist, we pray to the Lord (R)
- That we may be ready to give from our table to those who hunger and thirst, we pray to the Lord. (R)
- That we may one day enjoy the banquet of the Lord in the Heavenly kingdom, we pray to the Lord. (R)
Leader: Christ taught us to pray for our daily bread and so we dare to say:
All: Our Father ……
The food may be sprinkled with the Easter water.
Leader: May Christ nourish us and strengthen us in faith and love, now and forever.
All: Amen