Ask God to bring light into the darkness and help you run to the sacrament of his mercy.
Going to the sacrament of confession isn’t always easy. Often embarrassment or shame over our sins will prevent us from going to a priest to ask for God’s mercy. However, confession is good for the soul and can help lift many burdens we are carrying, giving us new life.
One way to prepare for that sacrament is to ask God for strength, courage and enlightenment. Sometimes we don’t go to confession because we can’t "think" of any sins. In reality, we sin every day, but we aren’t always observant enough to recognize our many failings.
Here is a prayer adapted from the Golden Manual that places all of these needs before God and is a prefect preparation for confession.
O most merciful God, enlighten me, for you know all my ways and observe all my footsteps. Come, true light, and dispel the darkness of my heart, that I may see what in me is displeasing to you, and that with a contrite heart I may be sorry for my sins, rightly confess them, and amend my life. Send forth your light into my soul, and show to me all those sins which I ought to confess at this time.
Assist me by your grace, and grant me courage and strength, that I may be able to declare them to the priest, fully, humbly, and with a contrite heart, and so obtain perfect remission of my sins through your infinite goodness. Amen.
Philip Kosloski Aleteia Dec 12, 2019
Ask the Holy Spirit to light a fire in your heart before Mass starts
The Second Vatican Council encouraged the laity to embrace a "fully conscious and active participation" in the Mass. This was primarily aimed at a spiritual participation in the Mass, where those in the pews are fully present to what is happening in front of them and offering up their lives to God in union with the priest. However, it is tempting for many of us to attend Mass and only warm the pew and not our hearts. We simply go through the mo-tions, and are not "consciously" participating in the liturgy.
One way to light a fire in our soul is to ask the Holy Spirit to in-flame our heart with a deep love of God and understanding of the Mass. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to offer ourselves to God at Mass, preparing our hearts to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.
Here is a short prayer from an 1876 prayer book that perfectly summarizes this desire and is a great way to get in the right spiri-tual mood before Mass begins.
Holy Spirit, fill my cold heart with love, that I may hear this Mass with much reverence and devotion.
Mary, my Mother, pray for me. My Guardian-angel, shield me from all vain and wandering thoughts.
Philip Kosloski Aleteia Dec 11, 2019