Saturday, 18 May 2019

Pope reminds us of Fatima's message: Say the Rosary and repent!

May 18-19 2019: 5th Sunday of Easter

Recalls John Paul II's assertion that his life was protected by Mary's intercession.

Pope Francis concluded the Wednesday general audience with a greeting to the Polish-speaking pilgrims that praised their favourite native son. Pope St. John Paul II.

The Holy Father noted how this week's celebration of Our Lady of Fatima also marked that anniversary of the assassination attempt on John Paul II in St. Peter's Square, on May 13, 1981.

"The day before yesterday we celebrated the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima. May 13 is the day that recalls her first apparition, which coincides with that of the attempt on the life of Saint John Paul II.

Let us remember his affirmation:
'In all that happened, I saw the special maternal protection of Mary.' "Francis said.

Pope Francis added:
Let us also remember the words of the Madonna:
"I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask for pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men.
People must say the Rosary and repent of their sins".

Let us listen to his recommendation asking Mary for her maternal protection, the gift of conversion, the spirit of penance and peace for all the world. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. I bless you from my heart.

Kathleen N. Hattrup | May 16, 2019