Saturday, 24 February 2018

Pope Francis Confirms that Paul VI will be a Saint This Year. The Official Date Will Soon Be Made Known

Feb 24-25 2018 :   2nd Sunday of Lent

“Paul VI will be a Saint this year,” announced Pope Francis. In his address during the meeting with the parish priests of Rome, which was held on Thursday, February 15, 2018, in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Pope Francis announced that Blessed Paul VI

It’s a great event for the universal Church, although the  official date has yet to be established.
“There are two Bishops of Rome (recent ones) already Saints (John XXIII and John Paul II). Paul VI will be a Saint this year,” said the Holy Father.
The Pontiff also pointed out that John Paul I might be  beatified, as his Cause is open in the Pontifical Congregation. Joking, the Argentine Pope added: “And Benedict and I are on the waiting list: pray for us.”
 Last February 8 the Cardinals expressed their favourable  opinion for the recognition of a miracle due to Paul VI’s  intercession.
On December 13, 2017, the theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved the recognition of the “miracle,” whereas the Medical Commission issued previously a favourable opinion.
The cure, which happened in 2014, was a little girl of the  Verona region of Italy. Before her birth, little Amanda  survived a proven risk of abortion. She will be three-years-old at Christmas.
Pope Francis beatified Paul VI (1897-1978) on October 19, 2014, at the end of the first Synod of Bishops on the Family. On December 20, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI approved the Decree recognizing that Paul VI lived the Christian and  human virtues in a “heroic” way.
The miracle for the Beatification was the inexplicable cure of a boy, in the mother’s womb, in California 18 years  before. The child was threatened with death or severe  malformations, which led the doctors to advise an abortion.