Parish Marian Year
Your baptismal anniversary is an important event to celebrate year after year. Here’s how to prepare.
As the Church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, it gives believers an opportunity to pause and remember their own baptisms.
The majority of Catholics have no memories of their baptism, and that’s because they were baptized as infants. For some though, the memory is strong, as they were baptized as an adult after going through the RCIA process. Regardless of age, what do you know about your baptism?
Let’s pause and remember the facts of our own baptism: the where, when, and who of our baptism.
Where were you baptized?
The church of your baptism is important. In the Cath-olic Church, when you get ordained or married, you need to contact the parish of baptism and have them issue a new baptismal certificate with notations. The parish keeps a baptismal register and updates it with notifications when an individual receives significant sacraments and, where applicable, an annulment.
The church of your baptism probably had some significance in your family’s life. It could be the church where one of your parents grew up in or the local parish in the community you were raised.
When’s the last time you visited the church where you were baptized? Does it still exist? Maybe it’s time to make a visit and remember the sacramental grace be-stowed on you that day.
When were you baptized?
The date of one’s baptism is also significant. Some reli-gious communities of monks and nuns don’t even cele-brate a person’s birthday, and instead celebrate their anniversary of baptism. It’s such an important date because it was on that day we became adopted children of God, claimed for Christ Jesus, and washed clean of original sin.
Do you know the date of your baptism? Have you ever celebrated it? If not, find out, and plan to do some-thing special on that day, like a religious pilgrimage, going to Mass, or celebrating the sacrament of Recon-ciliation.
Who baptized you?
Were you baptized by a deacon, priest, bishop, or, by some rare chance, the pope? You may have been baptized by a lay person, too, in an emergency situa-tion, if it was in the hospital.
Find out who baptized you. Pray for them. Write them a note thanking them, or if you are brave enough, go and visit them.
Who are your godparents?
Hopefully you can readily answer that question because they have played an active role in your life. If not, that can encourage you, if you are a godparent, to be a better godparent to your godchild than they were to you. Godparents should be a part of the child’s life, especially in their spiritual life.
Pray for your godparents, and if it has been a while since you contacted them, send them a message letting them know you are thinking of them.
How will you remember your baptism?
- Each time you go into a church and bless yourself with holy water, you have an opportunity to remember your baptism.
- The very fact we call ourselves Christians is a re-minder to us of who we are as baptized children of God.
- Besides remembering the facts of your baptism, con-sider renewing your baptismal promises to reject Sa-tan and his empty promises on a weekly basis. This spiritual practice could be something you undertake as a family prayer at the beginning of each week.
- Bless yourself with holy water before retiring for the night.
Fr. Edward Looney | Jan 08, 2020