May 27-28: Ascension of the Lord.
Oh, if she had joy while her Son was still living with her in the flesh, if she had joy when her Son rose from the dead after trampling death underfoot, did she the rejoice with lesser joy when her Son entered heaven in the flesh that, as she knew well, had been taken from her? Whoever said, why, whoever even believed that Mary’s joy did not surpass all the joys that came before it?
In this world, good mothers are wont to be very happy when they see their children raised up by earthly honours. Even so, will not this Mother, who was undoubtedly good, not be glad with inexpressible joy, when she sees her only Son enter heaven with commanding power and reach the throne of God the Father Almighty? Was a joy like this ever heard of? Was a joy like this ever seen in public, so that the human mind might at least direct its attention toward it in some way?
St Eadmer of Canterbury c 1060 - c 1124